Category: Articles

How far is far enough? Stopping sight distances for crosswalks
Most drivers have had the heart-stopping experience of being forced to suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid an animal or an object entering their path without warning. Some have even had to brake or swerve to avoid hitting a pedestrian or cyclist. It’s not a scenario anyone hopes to ever find themselves in, and […]
Reducing traffic fatalities using the Safe Streets for All grant
Ever since it was signed into law in November 2021, everyone in the transportation industry has been talking about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The $1.2 trillion package—the largest of and most comprehensive infrastructure bill in U.S. history—will fund everything from road and bridge improvements […]
New radar activated signs and beacons bring drivers’ attention back to the road
Go for a drive just about anywhere and whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re bound to encounter some type of vehicle detection system. At signalized intersections, an inductive loop might detect your car and trigger the light to change. On a highway, a CCTV camera might record your vehicle, sending information back to […]
Carmanah’s Wrong-way Vehicle Detection, Warning, and Alert System is now on the FDOT APL
We are pleased to share that Carmanah’s solar-powered WW400 Vehicle Detection, Warning and Alert System has completed and passed testing at FDOT’s Traffic Engineering Research Lab (TERL) test track. The system can now be found on FDOT’s Approved Product List (APL), meaning it and can now be installed and used in the state. Throughout the […]
Building better crosswalks: an overview of crosswalk safety enhancements
To help support citizens, local groups, and elected officials to advocate for safer local roadways, we’ve compiled a step-by-step Crosswalk Safety Guide and toolkit—including a quick video below. Adding or improving crosswalks is one of the most effective ways for cities to achieve safe, walkable streets. Watch our video below: Transcript: Imagine you’re in your […]
Finding space for micromobility: Guidelines for sidewalk regulations and pedestrian safety
What is micromobility? As city densification rises and roadways increasingly become multimodal, the term micromobility is often ambiguously linked to any light vehicle used for short trips. Further, in the U.S. it’s estimated that the total market for micromobility will grow to represent 8-15 percent of all urban trips under five miles, while reaching an […]
Developing Intelligent Transportation Systems
Over the past century, America’s adoption of the automobile has accelerated the nation’s industrialization, created cities out of small towns, and contributed to exponential levels of growth. In 1908, Henry Ford began mass-producing the first affordable automobile, and by the end of the 1920s, there were already 23 million registered vehicles on the road in […]
What is a Smart City? The Main Themes and Best Practices
Advancing Intelligent Transportation Systems in 2021 The Smart City approach to urban planning was first introduced in the 1970’s by policy-makers in Los Angeles. As part of addressing increasing rates of poverty in the dense, urban center, L.A. planners used big data to drive their groundbreaking project “A Cluster Analysis of Los Angeles.” By the […]
Building Capacity in Road Safety Professionals
Photo by Zac Ong on Unsplash Following the decade ending in 2016, 320,874 people were killed in traffic crashes in the United States, and it’s estimated about 100 times that number of people were injured. After briefly trending downwards from 2009-2014, The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) is again reporting a concerning rise in fatal […]