Rapid flashing beacon in school zone
April 20, 2011

Carmanah’s Solar LED School Zone Beacons Approved by Florida Department of Transportation

Carmanah is pleased to report that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has approved the R829 series solar LED school zone beacon with calendar-based operating software under the certification #67014360427011. Carmanah is currently the only manufacturer of self-contained, compact solar LED school zone flashing beacons approved in the state of Florida. Carmanah’s approval comes after […]
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides Santiago, Chile with Compact Solar Flashing Beacons

Carmanah recently installed several of its R247C solar-powered LED flashing beacons in the Santiago area.
solar-powered stop sign flashing beacon at four-way stop in yorba linda, california
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Stop Sign Beacons Improve Safety on Rural Roads

Carmanah solar technology is helping a county in the southwest United States improve the safety of its rural roadways. Carmanah’s R247C solar stop sign beacons have been installed throughout one of the largest counties in the United States to enhance the visibility of stop signs along rural roads and at collector roads intersecting rural highways. […]
Close up view of a red round beacon and a solar panel mounted on top of a pole.
April 20, 2011

Solar LED Hazard Marker Lights Installed in Missouri and Illinois

The Wentzville, Missouri public works department recently decided to enhance safety at an intersection on Wentzville Parkway. The through road is a four-lane collector, and is crossed by a two lane minor road. While there have been no major accidents at the intersection, there have been problems with drivers on the two lane road missing […]
April 20, 2011

Colorado Town Enhances Construction Safety with Carmanah’s Solar LED Flashing Beacons

Carmanah’s Roadway Division has received an order from its Authorized Distributor, Gades Sales Co., for an R247C 24-hour solar-powered LED flasher. The unit has been installed in the Town of Parker, CO. The Town of Parker, located 20 miles southeast of Denver, is a quickly growing community that accommodates 41,500 residents. The Town was seeking […]
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Supplies US Defense with Solar Flashing Beacons

Carmanah’s Solar LED Lighting Group has seen growing demand and increased orders from US Defense bases throughout the United States for its full range of solar flashing beacons. Like many cities, counties and DOTs, US Defense bases are facing many of the same driver and pedestrian safety issues on their roadways. Carmanah’s solar-powered LED flashing […]
Traffic stop sign with red flashing beacon and solar mount on top of pole
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides Major US Department Store with Solar Stop Sign Warning Beacons

Carmanah recently installed solar-powered LED stop sign warning beacons at a major U.S. department store to increase driver awareness and improve parking lot safety.
Traffic stop sign with red flashing beacon and solar mount on top of pole
April 20, 2011

Major US Department Store Installs Carmanah Flashing Warning Lights

The global head office of a major US department store is getting a safety upgrade with Carmanah’s solar technology. Installed throughout the parking lot of the busy office facilities, Carmanah’s R247C solar-powered flashing beacons are helping to draw driver attention to stop signs. With a great deal of activity and traffic, parking lots can create […]
Solar-powered traffic beacon on side of road flashing amber to highlight sign
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Unveils New Solar Product Line at Traffic Expo 2002

Carmanah Technologies Corporation announced a new product line of solar-powered LED lighting products to be unveiled at the 2002 ATSSA annual convention.
solar-powered warning sign flashing beacon on highway sign
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Unveils Products at Intertraffic

Carmanah's new roadway lights have the same design as its popular marine navigation lights: solar-powered and self-contained.