Application: 24-Hour & Warning Flashers

Understanding accessibility guidelines and standards for pedestrian safety infrastructure
>>>Want to learn about recent changes to accessibility standards in the US? Our partners at Polara have you covered on all things PROWAG ADAAG. PROWAG. MUTCD. It might seem like we’re bashing on our keyboards, but in fact these seemingly random characters represent some of the most important sources when it comes to accessible transportation […]
LED Enhanced Signs: Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s a sobering thought: Every time we leave the house, whether by car, bus, bicycle or on foot, our lives depend on people seeing and obeying traffic signs. We count on drivers to stop at stop signs, slow down in school zones, and turn left (and right) at intersections where it is legal and safe […]
New radar activated signs and beacons bring drivers’ attention back to the road
Go for a drive just about anywhere and whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re bound to encounter some type of vehicle detection system. At signalized intersections, an inductive loop might detect your car and trigger the light to change. On a highway, a CCTV camera might record your vehicle, sending information back to […]
Technical Bulletin B-108: Terms of our warranty for 3rd party devices
Carmanah’s expert team is dedicated to providing the most reliable, durable traffic control devices. We are committed to the work we deliver and the products we make, so much so, we back our products with the most comprehensive warranty on the market. Recently, the excitement about the future of Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) has attracted […]
Carmanah’s LED Enhanced Flashing Signs
Embedded with the same high-intensity LEDs used in our best-selling Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) and powered by the most efficient solar engine on the market, our LED enhanced flashing signs stand out from the rest. This video features several key features of our LED enhanced signs, including: Bright high-intensity LEDs that are factory-adjustable Our […]
Developing Intelligent Transportation Systems
Over the past century, America’s adoption of the automobile has accelerated the nation’s industrialization, created cities out of small towns, and contributed to exponential levels of growth. In 1908, Henry Ford began mass-producing the first affordable automobile, and by the end of the 1920s, there were already 23 million registered vehicles on the road in […]
City of Oceanside gets Solar Stop Sign Flashers
Location: Oceanside, California Project size: 4 x solar stop sign flashers Client: City of Oceanside Background For many years, the residents of Oceanside, California have voiced concerns regarding a busy stop sign-controlled intersection consistently subject to driver roll-throughs and blow-throughs. The arterial road is four lanes, where drivers share the roadway with two nearby pedestrian […]
New 15-watt solar panel for E Series beacons: 50% more solar charging capacity, same small form factor
As solar panel technology improves, so do the capabilities of solar-powered traffic systems. At Carmanah, we follow these solar power trends closely so that we can continue to offer systems that pack as much power as possible into the smallest form factor. For us, more power means a system that can now operate sustainably in […]
What is a Smart City? The Main Themes and Best Practices
Advancing Intelligent Transportation Systems in 2021 The Smart City approach to urban planning was first introduced in the 1970’s by policy-makers in Los Angeles. As part of addressing increasing rates of poverty in the dense, urban center, L.A. planners used big data to drive their groundbreaking project “A Cluster Analysis of Los Angeles.” By the […]