Tag: Walkability & Advocacy

Highlights from USDOT’s first-ever Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently released a first-of-its-kind Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. A joint effort between the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the plan identifies what the two agencies plan to do about the worsening problem of pedestrian injuries and fatalities on America’s roads. According to […]
Progressive and proven ideas for changing driver behavior and improving safety at crosswalks
Marked crosswalks are supposed to keep pedestrians safe when they step off the curb, but as a tragic recent examples from Ohio and North Carolina show, crosswalk paint and other visibility markings often aren’t enough to overcome street designs—and attitudes—that prioritize vehicles above all else. Building streets that are safe and equitable for all is […]
Flashing beacons bring pedestrian safety to roundabouts in Red Deer, Canada
Location: Red Deer, AB Project size: Two traffic circles with multiple crosswalks Client: City of Red Deer Background Located roughly halfway between Calgary and Edmonton, the City of Red Deer, Alberta is a fast-growing community with a focus on oil and gas extraction, agriculture, and manufacturing. It recently became the third city in the province […]
How desire paths can pave the way to permanent pedestrian infrastructure
Clogged with traffic and lined with iconic theaters, corporate headquarters, mom and pop shops, and apartments of every vintage and state of repair, it’s hard to imagine now that New York City’s Broadway was once a single-track trail cut into the brush by Native Americans. But that’s exactly what it was—a humble trail that snaked […]
Mid-Block Crosswalk Accessibility Requirements Map
All pedestrian facilities—especially crosswalks—must be able to accommodate everyone, no matter their capability. Formally established as a requirement by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, standards such as the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) detail various design and installation features […]
Introducing an affordable new option for achieving a fully accessible, ADA-compliant crosswalk
With one in four adults in the United States living with a disability, accessible pedestrian infrastructure has gone from a nice-to-have on transportation engineers’ wish lists to something none of us can afford to ignore. Unfortunately, the cost of adding accessible, ADA-compliant options to infrastructure is often not included in project budgets, and many cities […]
RRFB Crosswalk Bootcamp Self-Paced Learning Series
RRFB Crosswalk Bootcamp 2020 Self-paced Learning and Industry Resources Marked crosswalks are a clear benefit to pedestrians, but using them isn’t without risk. Rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs) can help, making crosswalks and/or pedestrians more visible, increasing safety and decreasing crashes by up to 47%, according to the FHWA. Want to learn more? Take our RRFB Bootcamp […]
Rapid-flashing beacons help Everett, WA create a safer, more walkable downtown
Location: Everett, Washington Project size: 3 x SC315-G RRFB crosswalk systems Client: City of Everett Background Everett, WA is growing. Over the past decade, the metropolitan center has added approximately 1,000 housing units and the City expects more than 15,000 to 20,000 people to move to the area within the next 20 years. To support—and […]