SpeedCheck Variable Speed Limit Signs

Variable Speed Limit Signs

speedcheck digital variable speed limit sign display

Enhancing Road Safety with Real-Time Speed Adjustments

This is where variable speed signs (VSLs) come in. Commonly implemented on highways and other high-volume corridors, but equally relevant to school zones and work zones, variable speed signs can be programmed and adjusted by local authorities to display speeds that are reasonable and safe for the current conditions. According to the FHWA, “By using VSLs, agencies can take into account traffic volume, operating speeds, weather information, sight distance, and roadway surface condition when posting speed limits.”

Carmanah’s Variable Speed Limit Sign Product Portfolio

SpeedCheck Variable Speed Limit

15- and 18-inch radar-enabled variable speed limit signs to advise drivers of a road’s speed limit as it changes.

SpeedCheck Variable Speed Limit

15- and 18-inch radar-enabled variable speed limit signs to advise drivers of a road’s speed limit as it changes.

When slower really means faster

Studies show that traffic flowing more slowly, smoothly and consistently actually helps motorists get to their destinations more quickly. Fewer rear-end and lane-changing accidents occur in slow-but-steady conditions, and both fuel usage and carbon emissions are decreased.

Increasingly, departments are using variable speed limit signs on highways to alert drivers of changing road conditions ahead in real-time. Traffic management center (TMC) operators can make incremental adjustments to speed limits to respond to vehicle breakdowns, crashes, heavy congestion, or weather, ensuring that traffic slows down but keeps moving, and ultimately gets to their destination faster.

Where are variable speed signs used?

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