April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides School Zone Flashing Beacons to Puget Sound Area Elementary Schools

Carmanah's solar school zone flashing beacons are making an appearance in Washington State's Puget Sound area.
carmanah school zone speed sign beacon on wood post
April 20, 2011

Northern California City Increases School Zone Safety with Solar

Product: Carmanah R829 Solar LED School Zone Flashing Beacons Project Scope: Eighteen beacons, including two signal intersections, installed in school zones throughout the Northern California Valley End User: City in Northern California Lighting Agent: JAM Services Inc.; Challenge and Solution: A Northern California City of approximately 100,000 sought to increase traffic safety in school zones […]
Rapid flashing beacon in school zone
April 20, 2011

Oregon DOT Selects R829 Solar School Zone Flashers for Madras Elementary School

Madras Elementary School is located in Madras, OR. The school is located on Highway 97, an exceptionally busy highway that runs through the middle of town. A recent change in Oregon State law required that the Department of Transportation select between: Reducing the speed limit in front of the school 24 hours per day; Deploying […]
carmanah school zone speed sign beacon on wood post
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Solar LED School Zone Beacons Enrolled in Baton Rouge Safety Improvements

Product: Carmanah R829 Solar LED School Zone Flashing Beacons Project Scope: 85 beacons for use in school zones across Baton Rouge, Louisiana End User: The City of Baton Rouge, LA Traffic Distributor: Temple Inc. Challenge and Solution: When the Baton Rouge City-Parish, in joint agreement with the Mayor Kip Holden and Metro Council, authorized the […]
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides South Carolina State Department of Transportation with Solar Flashers

Carmanah has received an order from the South Carolina State Department of Transportation (SCDOT) for several units.
Rapid flashing beacon in school zone
April 20, 2011

Carmanah’s Solar LED School Zone Beacons Approved by Florida Department of Transportation

Carmanah is pleased to report that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has approved the R829 series solar LED school zone beacon with calendar-based operating software under the certification #67014360427011. Carmanah is currently the only manufacturer of self-contained, compact solar LED school zone flashing beacons approved in the state of Florida. Carmanah’s approval comes after […]
Rapid flashing beacon in school zone
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides School Zone Warning Flashers to Glenlyon Norfolk School, Victoria, BC

Carmanah’s Solar LED Lighting Group recently supplied Canada’s first programmable solar LED school zone flasher system to Glenlyon Norfolk School, a private school located in Victoria, British Columbia. Unveiling of Carmanah’s R829 solar LED school zone flasher. From left to right (and surrounded by grade 2 students): Carmanah’s Greg Miller; Simon Bruce-Lockhart, Head of Glenlyon […]
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides a Washington County with Compact Solar LED School Zone Flashers

Carmanah’s Solar LED Lighting Group has received an order from Snohomish County, Washington for 79 units of its R829C compact solar school zone flasher. These LED-based flashing beacons were installed in various school zones throughout the County and will be used as a cost-effective means of improving safety in school zones by increasing driver awareness. […]
Carmanah's R829C solar-powered school zone flashing beacon installed in Stanislaus County, CA.
April 20, 2011

Carmanah Provides Rapid City, South Dakota with Compact Solar LED School Zone Flashers

Carmanah's has supplied 50 units of it its model R829C compact solar school zone flashers to Rapid City
Solar powered School Zone flasher.
April 20, 2011

Quebec Town Uses Solar School Zone Flashers to Enhance Safety

The trip to school for children in Quebec town has just become a little safer, thanks to the installation of Carmanah's solar-powered LED school zone flashers.