Tips for installing advance pedestrian warning signs and RRFBs

Tips for installing advance pedestrian warning signs and RRFBs

As a pedestrian safety countermeasure, the benefits of rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFBs) are well-documented. Commonly installed with crosswalk signage at midblock and other unsignalized crossings like roundabouts, they can increase driver yield rates to 98%...
What the MUTCD says about RRFBs

What the MUTCD says about RRFBs

MUTCD 11th Edition Update: Looking forward If you have so much as a passing interest in traffic safety, you’ve no doubt come across the MUTCD, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, often described as the bible of American road design. Issued by the Federal...
Funding rural road safety projects

Funding rural road safety projects

Rural areas routinely get short shrift when it comes to transportation funding in the U.S. Between 2009 and 2015, they received about 37% of federal highway funds—even though 71% of public roads are in rural areas.  While the justification for this makes sense (fewer...
Rural Road Safety: Problems and Solutions

Rural Road Safety: Problems and Solutions

Picture yourself driving on a rural road. Maybe you’re winding your way through rolling fields of corn or cattle. Maybe you’re high in the mountains, maneuvering curves like a pro. Maybe you’re cruising through the desert in a pink plastic convertible, singing along...